Key Verse

How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to thy word. Psalm 119:9

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Charting Worldviews

Charting Worldviews

In this section we will look at the key points of Christianity vs every other religion, or the world for short.


-Man is basically evil. This means that we are born totally sinful and incapable of doing ANYTHING not sinful until we are changed by God. (Explained in Law Breakers, coming later)
-Total depravity. This means that we are completely helpless and unable to save ourselves.
-We are called to tell people the bad news. They need to know the bad news before they can hear the good news.

The world:
-Man is basically good. This means that we are born good and corrupted by society. This allows people to blame society for all the stupid stuff they do while still taking credit for doing anything of value.


-God is infinitely gracious and perfectly holy. The God of the Bible. Yes, he is gracious and holy even when destroying cities. (that is explained in The Power of Doubt coming later)
-The trinity exists.

The World:
-No, He is not.


-Genesis and John accurately describe Creation.

The World:
-No they don't. Jews will say that Genesis describes creation, but John doesn't.


-Truth is in the Bible. This means that the Bible is the ultimate source or truth and takes authority over any other "truth". No other "truth" has ever been able to disprove any part of the Bible.

The World:
-Truth is in man. That has to be a sad way to live! "You must find your own truth and purpose."

He had three other points (Morality, Family, and Politics) but he ran out of time talking about these.

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