Key Verse

How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to thy word. Psalm 119:9

Sunday, April 24, 2011

But seriously

     I don't like to say it, but I believe that most people in this world take Easter for granted, its a day full of cute stuffed (and marshmallow) bunnies and candy. Fortunately to us Easter means a little bit more; 2000some years ago (I don't want to do the math) Jesus died for our sins, and rose again. Its so easy to gloss over that, so let me say is again. 2000some years ago (I didn't wan't to do the math) Jesus DIED for OUR sins. Now most of us haven't been crucified but I can assure you its a very painful process. But if that were the end of the story we would too be dead. I don't know about you, but I don't know a whole lot of people who have been raised to life, and I know nobody who has raised their self to life. Jesus did. Its glorious news! We are called to proclaim it to the nations, shout it from the mountain tops, get outside our little comfortable bubbles of homeschoolers and Christians and proclaim the good news. Now it may be hard, I am few people I know can drive, much less live on their own, but it can be done. It doesn't need to be directly talking to some one, but just living like Jesus through your regular life, people will notice.
      To sum up I would just like to say three things:

1. Jesus died for YOUR sins
2. Jesus rose from the dead
3. You will too be raised from the dead, everyone will, there will be two types of people when that happens, saved and unsaved, and I fear that the second group will be far bigger.

Post Script,
Now granted, I don't know a whole lot about @#!*% , but it says in the Bible that they will wish themselves dead but won't be able to die, that is scary, eternity is a LONG time to be in constant torment, a very long time.

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