Key Verse

How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to thy word. Psalm 119:9

Saturday, May 7, 2011

How to Train Your Dragon review

I thought I would put together something to show WHY I don't like the movie "How to Train Your Dragon" I like the story line, it has sweet animation, and funny lines, but unfortunately it is riddled with world views, most obvious is feminism. You are probably like "WHAT!!!" but its true, the men (sorry girls) are supposed to take initiative, but the main charter is basically portrayed as a wimp while the girl is really tough and good at fighting. She is always the one who wins, and beats up on poor whats-his-name. Beside, that is what is in almost every movie. They are kissing, (well actually SHE is kissing HIM) and not even either out of high school, or engaged. Also, there is some, not much, but some crude humor. Not a lot, but enough to make me not want to see it again.  So yeah, disagree with me if you want but I prefer to watch other more edifying movies. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Evolution of a creationist

ok, so we were at small group at the poynts earlier tonight, and we watched a movie about evolutionism. More particualary about antievolutionism in animals. It was pretty awesome! The facts are way to blatent to not see, if you are a solid athiest and you watch this with an open mind, you have to see it just could not happen. People try to put a figure on the chance of it happening, well I can tell you RIGHT NOW, this earth did NOT evolve. I have always been a creationist, I can't remember ever doubting creation, but you can always learn more. Here are some examples from the movie...

  • Bombardier Beetle
  • Giraffe
  • Woodpecker
  • Australian Incubator Bird
  • The Chicken Egg
  • Platypus
  • Black & Yellow Garden Spider
  • Gecko & Chuckwalla Lizards
  • Human Eye & Ear Drum

I will do a brief explanation of how they could not evolve...

Bombardier beetle: I don't know if you are familiar with this bug or not, just don't irritate it, it can spray a mixture of gases that are 212 degrees F. Now, when it "explodes" it mixes hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinone in a special chamber that is obviousaly not sensitive to heat. When the chemicals meet they react and explode sending a spray of boiling (lava) hot stuff into whatever is attacking it. Now, you see, if this mechanism did not all "evolve" at once, the poor bug would not be well off, it would explode when ever it tried to defend itself.  

Giraffe: When the giraffe is standing up, its long neck doesn't let blood reach its head very easily, so God gave the giraffe a very large heart, to pump blood way up there. However this can be a problem when the giraffe bends down to take a drink, sunddenly gravity is working with the pump and blood slams up to the head causing the brain to explode. Ok not really, what actually happens is special flaps (I don't know if that is the right word) close in the artrie and a sponge at the back of the brain stops the blood's momentum. Now if this didn't all come together at the same time, the giraffe would not live for very long. (It would live until it tried to get a drink) I found a web site that says this:

The fossil record shows that giraffes evolved from a deer-like ancestor with a shorter neck. By about 1 million years ago, modern giraffes had appeared on the African savannah. Why did the long neck evolve? Until recently, the most popular theory involved finding food. Giraffe-like animals who were born with longer-than-normal necks were thought to have a big feeding advantage, since in times of scarcity, they could reach higher into trees to forage for leaves. Longer-necked individuals were more successful at surviving, and passed their long-neck genes onto their offspring. Over many generations, the modern giraffe evolved.

I don't think that they even thought about how the neck evolved with out the brains being blasted totally away!

Ok, I just had to say this, if the long neck is really so useful, why the heck does only one creature have it!?!? I mean really, if it was so good as a weapon, and for getting food (and it is) why is there only one species that has it? 
just had to put that in...

Ok, switching gears, a small animal that most people just take for granted. 
the Woodpecker: People tend to look at the woodpecker as just another bird, well most birds don't bang their heads at trees all day. All birds have less dense bones, (helps to fly if you don't weigh as much) but the wood pecker has a thicker head bone per body-weight then ANY other animal (including humans) anywhere.  Ok, so maybe they just evolved to have a thicker head, well ok, what about before hand, they had to bang trees before the scull came or there would be no reason to evolve a scull, well the wood peck hits the trees (or what ever the peck at) with enough force to pop out their eyeballs!-- they shut there eyes each time they hit, or we would have blind birds running around-- which brings up yet another point, each time they hit, and they go REALLY fast, they open their eyes, focus on where they are going to hit, shut their eyes, and peck. And if that isn't enough, with out their spongy and dense tail feathers to help with three pronged support, they would fall off the tree with only one hit. One species of woodpecker--I forget the name, something to do with the british--has a toung (I can not spell that) that runs from the back of its throat, around its head and out the top of its mouth. Now what kind of animal did THAT evolve from??? 

Ok, for the sake of time (both yours and mine) I will jump down to the chicken egg:
When the egg is laid for 19 (exactly) days all that happens is the embryo eats the yolk, and breathes and dispels waste through little holes in the egg. When the egg is 19 days old things start to happen, the chick can no longer get enough air, and with its egg tooth it pecks its way to the air sack, (the little hole in the top of the egg, that you find in hard boiled eggs) then it has exactly 6 hours to get out, now most of us, even when grown up, after we have held our breath for a while would like to rest and breath for a little, the chick can not do that, it must peck through the shell and make a hole to breath through for the last few days. After that it opens the shell and wanders on out! If this did not work perfectly--down to the hour--every little chick would die, and we would no longer have any eggs for breakfast. Another evidence of design. 

Gecko: Now I am not talking about the cute gecko in the gieco commercials, this lizard has the unique ability to walk upside down on the celling and walls with out seeming to take notice of gravity.  Most of us can't do that (admit it) but then again, most of us don't have thousands of tiny hairs on our feet with suction cups that can only be seen at, I think, 36,000 times magnification that are so strong that if the gecko didn't have special ways of picking up his foot, he would be stuck. Now, first of all, HOW on EARTH did those tiny hairs EVOLVE??? and second of all, if they did, and the gecko didn't have special feet, he would be stuck where he stood (not a great defense against predators). 

The human ear and eye: You are probably like, ok so what, I have lived next to ears my whole life, they are pretty normal, but if you really think about them, they are REALLY weird. Now, the ear drum moves such a tiny amount its impossible to put a figure on it, but it has been said to only move HALF the diameter of a hydrogen atom, which, by the way, is pretty small. Now that tiny movement can pick up the difference in sound between a trumpet and drum, your mom and dad, and really anybody you meet, if you hear them for a while, you can recognize them just by their sound. The eye is very complex, very complex. Now, humans have been on this planet for thousands of years, but the best scientists have NEVER been able to come up with anything CLOSE to the eye for pictures, quality, and speed. I mean think about it, you are looking at your book, your mom calls, you look up, she is in focus that fast. The BEST camera man (or woman) takes a few seconds to adjust the camera lenses to that distance. That is amazing. 

I highly recomend that you go the the website at or watch some of their moves on you-tube. Its truly amazing how complex our creator has made some animals, and what is funny, is it seems like some of them were made just to be weird. Its awesome! 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Daily Joke

ok, I just thought this was funny...

Q. Why did the traffic light turn red?

A. You would to if you had to change in the middle of the street

Monday, May 2, 2011

Daily Joke

In case you have not noticed these jokes arn't really "daily" but anyway...

Tom, Dick and Harry went to a party. After the party they returned to the hotel. The hotel was 600 stories high.

Unfortunately for them, the elevator was not working. They made a plan for the first 200 stories, Tom will crack jokes.

The second 200 stories Dick will tell a happy story and lastly Harry will tell a sad story.They then started up the steps

After 2 hours it was Harry's turn. He turned to the other two and said "Ok guys, here's my sad story. I forgot the keys downstairs.